Cool Gadgets

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012 0 komentar
I came across some cool gadgets for the iPhone while browsing through ZDNet. They listed 10 gadgets, however, not all 10 gadgets really "WOW"ed me. These were my top choices that I liked. I will provide the direct link underneath.

1) JoyStick Attachment
For you those like that play games on your iPhone as much as I do, you will definitely like this small gadget called the iStick. It's basically a tangible joystick to attach onto your iPhone. It will definitely be more accurate than using your actual finger.

2) 2D to 3D converter for iPhone
3D TVs have been a big "in" device lately, however, who says you can't have a converter for your iPhone. These glasses will be able to convert the videos on your iPhone into 3D viewing. Definitely one of the cooler gadgets I saw.

3) SD Card Reader for iPad
I know it's kind of a pain to transfer your photos from your camera to your computer and then transferring your photos onto your iPad. That is a 3 step process. However, there is now a SD card reader that gives you the ability to directly transfer all your photos from your SD card to your iPad or iPhone.

4) iPhone Projector

I first saw a projector like this with a Sony camera and thought it was pretty cool. Now there is a projector kit for your iPhone. You can now share whatever you're streaming or video you have with your friends on a projector anywhere.

This is the article you can see. These were my choices of gadgets that I thought were cool and savvy.

ZDNet Gadget Article

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Galaxy Note II

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

After all these allegations between Samsung and Apple, Samsung will not give up and are coming back stronger. The first Galaxy Note was a big hit especially due to it's tablet like screen. However, the Galaxy Note II will be hitting the market sometime around October. It is truly a beast of its own kind. I have tried the Galaxy SII and was not a big fan and ended up going back to Apple's iPhone. However, this will be definitely a phone that I will be debate between the iPhone 5 and the Galaxy Note II. 

Specs for Galaxy Note II: 
-5.5inch Super AMOLED screen
-80x151.1x9.44m which is thinner than the 1st generation Galaxy Note
-1.6Ghz quad core
-2 GB ram
-16/32/64GB on-board memory
-8 mega pixel camera
-2 mega pixel front camera
-4G LTE connectivity
-3.100mAH removable battery

It is definitely a power package cellphone, even as a computer it would do well. 

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Samsung Galaxy S II I9100

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
First appear at the Adaptable World Congress (MWC) 2011 in Barcelona, the Samsung Galaxy S II is the aftereffect to the berserk accepted aboriginal bearing Samsung Galaxy S smartphone. For best Android lovers, this is apparently the Gingerbread (Android 2.3) smartphone they've been cat-and-mouse for. Let's see what this high-end artefact from the Korean chaebol has to offer.

You may acquisition that the architecture of the Galaxy S II appears to be "inspired" by a assertive added smartphone. In fact, there's an advancing accusation amid Apple and Samsung that names this smartphone as an archetype of the Korean aggregation artful the Cupertino firm's designs. It doesn't advice that the Galaxy S II creates the apparition of accepting aloof a distinct button on the advanced apparent by ambuscade the touch-sensitive Menu and Aback buttons aback not in use. By default, these ablaze up alone briefly aback pressed. Intentional emulation? Perhaps.

Now, the Galaxy S II may be fabricated of artificial materials, but it did feel solid in our hands, and gives a abundant bigger feel compared with the aboriginal Galaxy S. This is additionally apparently due to its bunched anatomy factor--the smartphone is 8.5mm at its thinnest point. The buzz weighs in at a failing 116g.

The rear array awning uses a textured apparent and helps accord the buzz a bigger grip. Aback you abolish the awning though, you'll acquisition that the it absolutely feels actual chiffon and acceptable to break. Underneath the cover, you'll acquisition the SIM and microSD slots. You will accept to abolish the array to get at the microSD however, so swapping your microSD agenda after powering off is not possible.

At the basal of the accessory is area you acquisition the micro-USB port, and on top is area a 3.5mm audio jack is amid calm with a committed noise-cancelling microphone. The adeptness button is begin at the appropriate side, while your aggregate controls are on the left.

There's a 2-megapixel advanced camera for authoritative video calls, and a rear 8-megapixel camera with an LED flash, autofocus and HD 1080p video recording capabilities.

The Galaxy S II comes with the abounding ambit of connectivity options that you would apprehend from a high-end device--Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, DLNA, GPS and HSDPA.

If you accept acclimated or accept heard about Samsung's articles before, again you'll apperceive that the S II comes with Samsung's TouchWiz interface. The UI has gotten a few improvements, including the adeptness to resize accurate widgets to bigger adapt your home screens. The appliance pages now annal continuously, acceptance you to cast to the aftermost folio from the aboriginal after accepting to go through the added bristles first. Added enhancements accommodate the adeptness to zoom in and out by captivation two fingers on the affectation and angry the accessory aback and forth.

For the Singapore market, Samsung has additionally added some apps that are developed locally, including a tracker app alleged B-secure Tracker that helps you acquisition your accessory if it's absent (or clean it in case there's admired abstracts on your device). Others accommodate an EZ-Link circadian deals app, which not alone looks amateurish, but annoys you every day about the deals unless you annihilate the app manually.

Also included with the S II are Hub apps. There are three Hubs on the phone, Social, Reader and Games. These are appealing cocky explanatory, but we do demand to highlight that we didn't acquisition the Social Hub too useful. If you get a acknowledgment on Twitter and it's a acknowledgment to one of your antecedent tweets, the Hub doesn't let you see which cheep your acquaintance is acknowledging to. This additionally applies to replies you see from added people. It's absolutely adamantine to codify a acknowledgment to a cheep after any ambience so we concluded up not application the Hub but the Twitter app instead.

Storage wise, the Galaxy S II comes with 16GB onboard, of which 11.5GB is articular as USB accumulator for multimedia files. The buzz doesn't appear with a agenda bundled, but if you charge added storage, the advantage to use the microSD agenda aperture is there.

As for account quality, the 8-megapixel buzz takes appealing acceptable images and supports 1080p HD video recording. The LED beam is appealing bright, and tends to dark your capacity if they are attractive into the camera aback it turns on the beam briefly for AF assist. Low-light images tend to be absolutely blatant but accessible as apparent in our analysis shots.

As for the 4.3-inch Super AMOLED Plus display, colors attending abundant and vibrant, admitting our eyes couldn't absolutely assume to acquaint the aberration amid a non-Plus adaptation (in the Galaxy S). At bargain accuracy settings, the awning may assume warmer (yellowish), but this is normal. The S II uses Corning Gorilla Glass for a blemish and accident aggressive display.

Unlike the Nvidia Tegra 2-powered phones, the Samsung Galaxy S II appearance the Exynos chipset which has a dual-core 1.2GHz ARM Cortex A9 processor and the Mali-400MP GPU. The smartphone additionally comes loaded with 1GB RAM. Our handset's achievement was lightning fast and apps loaded quickly. Playing amateur with 3D cartoon additionally acquainted fluid.

Battery achievement is the alone affair that we begin blah on the S II. On our accepted analysis settings area Twitter and Facebook are set on two hour brace intervals calm with two Gmail accounts on push, the buzz almost lasted a day. The 1650mAh array seems bereft for a abundant user. We've heard rumors of a accessible amend that may advance dual-core array performance, but the Android 2.3.4 changelog acquaint by a Google agent doesn't assume to announce annihilation of the sort. It's acceptable you will accept to backpack a array charger or accumulate a additional array accessible if you are a abundant user or gamer.

Call affection was acceptable acknowledgment to the additional microphone, and the apostle aggregate is appealing average. You won't be able to ample the absolute allowance with disco beats, so use a headphone if you demand to watch movies or clips.

If you aren't already one of the 3 actor new owners of the Galaxy S II, again we do advance this buzz as an advancement to your Android handset. The TouchWiz interface will additionally advice affluence your about-face from iOS due to its accustomed attractive UI. Add in the ablaze 4.3-inch display, and the S II makes absolutely the hypothesis (ignoring array life, of course).

Retailing at S$998 (US$812) in Singapore, the Samsung Galaxy S II will be alike cheaper with abettor discounts that appear with a adaptable contract. The smartphone will be accessible in best of Asia by end of July, so accumulate an eye out for the handset in your country aback it launches.

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Samsung Omnia Lite B7300

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The Samsung Omnia Lite is a attractive buzz with a appropriate agency of features, but its ever complicated software and apathetic achievement accomplish it difficult to recommend.

Belying its bashful name, the Samsung Omnia Lite is a almost feature-rich handset that runs the Windows Mobile 6.5 operating arrangement and packs in abutment for HSDPA, Wi-Fi and GPS. It's additionally enticingly cheap.

The Omnia Lite doesn't accept the acceptable attending of a smartphone. It's not absolutely as advanced as best of the Windows Mobile and Android accessories we've apparent recently. Its narrower contour helps it feel added adequate in your duke than some of Samsung's added smartphones, such as the rather beefy Galaxy Spica. 

The anatomy agency does accommodation the 3-inch screen, however, as the affectation has a hardly abnormal 240 x 400-pixel resolution. The aftereffect is that, aback you authority the buzz angular to appearance a Web page, for example, it doesn't fit all that abundant of the folio assimilate the screen, so you end up accepting to do affluence of vertical scrolling.

User Interface
As with the added models in the Omnia range, the Lite uses Microsoft's Windows Mobile operating system--in this instance adaptation 6.5. WinMo was adapted aftermost year to accomplish it hardly added finger-friendly, and there are some accurate features, such as an alleviate awning that doesn't crave you to absolutely alleviate the buzz in adjustment to appearance new emails or argument messages. It's still a continued way from actuality as convenient as Android or the iPhone's OS, however. 

Mindful of this, Samsung has slapped its own TouchWiz user interface over the top of Microsoft's offering. It provides three home screens that you can about-face amid by annexation your feel aback and alternating beyond the display. You can additionally annoyance and bead a ambit of widgets assimilate the home screens for alive displays of acclimate forecasts and Facebook updates, for example.

Having to run WinMo and TouchWiz accompanying seems to be hardly cutting for the handset's 624MHz Marvell processor and 256MB of RAM. It feels too apathetic as you move amid home screens or jump amid accessible apps.

The Lite's camera is additionally begin wanting. It has a adequately boilerplate 3.2-megapixel resolution and the apathetic autofocus takes a while to do its stuff, so you generally accept to accord with a diffuse lag amid acute the phone's camera button and it demography a snap. Outdoor shots don't attending too bad, as the camera delivers analytic natural-looking colors, but pictures taken central tend to attending noisy. 

Otherwise, though, the blueprint is rather good. There's 512MB of beam anamnesis for autumn files, and this can be additional appliance bargain microSD cards. The Lite additionally supports HSDPA and Wi-Fi for fast Web browsing, and there's GPS onboard, which works able-bodied with the Google Maps application. Battery activity isn't too bad either--you can apprehend to get about two days' use out of the buzz afore it needs a recharge.

The Omnia Lite's hodgepodge of Windows Mobile and TouchWiz is messy, and the handset feels abundant added apathetic than Samsung's contempo Android phones. Consequently, admitting its appropriate agency of features, abbreviate contour and almost low price, we acquisition it difficult to recommend.

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Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Samsung Galaxy Tab P1000 (Cortex A8 processor 1.0GHz; 7-inch display)

Instead of alone slapping on Android 2.2 to a beyond adaptation of its accepted Galaxy S smartphone and calling it a day, Samsung actually took the accomplishment to actualize a different acquaintance for its aboriginal slate tablet, the Galaxy Tab. By alive with adaptable operators, the Korean aggregation added apps for localized content. Moreover, Samsung additionally took pains to ensure affinity with absolute Android applications for the beyond screen.

However, the catechism is whether a 7-inch book is actually account the bother in the aboriginal place. For smartphone users, whipping out a handset for emails, amusing arrangement updates and alike aeronautics is easier than affairs out the Galaxy Tab, alike if it's decidedly added carriageable than the 9.7-inch iPad. Accepting approved both Samsung and Apple slates over the week, we begin that because the Galaxy Tab doesn't blooper calmly into pockets, we had to backpack a bag anyway. So why not accompany forth the beyond iPad instead? There is one area, however, area the Galaxy Tab excels--and that is for account e-books. With its lighter heft, we did not acquaintance the aforementioned feel cramps that we had with the Apple device.

So, for those chief amid the iPad and Galaxy Tab, the best important agency to accede is usage. If you intend to do lots of e-book account and cine examination on the device, the lighter Samsung carriageable will be bigger ill-fitted for your needs. However, if you apprehend endless of PDFs (which doesn't action automated chat reflow like ePub e-books) and comics and use your slate for gaming, the beyond awning and app availability of the Apple iPad seals the deal.

The Samsung Galaxy Tab may be fabricated from artificial but feels actually congenital with a nice heft. The accessory comes in alone one blush scheme--a white aback with an atramentous bound and front. Below the awning is a row of capacitive buttons for Menu, Home, Aback and Search. The acumen the accouterments follows the accepted smartphone architecture (but on a beyond scale) is that the Android operating arrangement was originally advised for adaptable handsets. As such, accepting a agnate blueprint is important to ensure affinity with the belvedere and apps.

SpecificationsSamsung Galaxy Tab
Processor1GHz ARM Cortex A8 processor
GraphicsPowerVR SGX540
Operating systemAndroid 2.2
Dimensions (W x D)190.1 x 120.5mm
Screen size (diagonal)7-inch (1,024 x 600-pixel) touchscreen
System weight (with AC adapter)380g (450g)

The Galaxy Tab's array is closed central the unit, which requires a cruise to the account centermost already the ability beef adulterate over time. The headphone jack is amid on the top, while the microphone is begin on the larboard flank. The appropriate ancillary holds the microSD and SIM agenda slots and the abject sports the berth adapter and speakers. While you can accomplish buzz calls with the Galaxy Tab, the adjustment of the speakers and microphone agency you'll allegation a Bluetooth or active angle for this purpose.

The proprietary berth adapter is acclimated for charging the accessory as able-bodied as hooking up to a PC via USB. However, like the iPad, you cannot allegation the accessory from a PC's USB anchorage as the appropriate voltage is not aerial enough. The anchorage is additionally acclimated for Galaxy Tab peripherals such as the keyboard berth and video achievement cables, which acquiesce the assemblage to angle up to alien displays via HDMI or component/composite jacks.

Last but not least, like the Dell Streak, this accessory uses Corning's Gorilla glass, which has an absorbing attrition to scratches alike from aciculate altar like keys. However, the affectation does not accept the iPad's oleophobic band to anticipate anatomy oils from abashing the screen, and fingerprints appearance up a little too readily on the Tab than we would accept liked.

Instead of alone alms users the banal Android OS, Samsung has optimized the belvedere to differentiate it from the smartphone experience. Besides the Android Market, Samsung has included Readers Hub, Media Hub and Music Hub applications, which action admission to online literature, videos and tunes, respectively. The Korean aggregation has additionally appear that the clairvoyant appliance has up to 2,500 magazines, 1,600 newspapers and 2 actor books. To accomplish it added acceptable for users, in Singapore, the aggregation has angry up with bounded telco SingTel, so that the bill for affairs agreeable appears in the adaptable buzz invoice. By bypassing the allegation for acclaim cards and third-party acquittal methods, Samsung hopes this will activation an admission in agenda media purchases.

Besides accessible admission to content, the Korean aggregation has additionally optimized the Contacts, Calendar, and Memo programs with appearance such as nested tabs and split-screen angle to booty advantage of the beyond display. However, back Samsung does not accept ascendancy over third-party applications, the acquaintance differs from app to app. Twitter and Facebook attending altogether accomplished and ample the display, while some users accept appear that added programs either attending pixelated or action atramentous borders (much like how the iPad deals with iPhone-only apps). These are, however, accessory factors and we accept not encountered any affinity issues so far. ThinkFree Office is additionally included for account and creating Microsoft-compatible documents.

One of the best accustomed allowances of accepting an Android book is Adobe Beam 10.1 compatibility, a affection which Apple refuses to accommodate on its device. But while this gives the Galaxy Tab complete admission to Web content, we begin that on some sites the arrest acquired by Beam agreeable after-effects in an unsatisfactory browsing experience. Unless you actually charge cream Web sites with Beam media, we do not accede this a above must-have feature.

Hardware-wise, the Galaxy Tab has about every affection begin in abreast smartphones. The congenital accelerometer allows the affectation to circle and additionally provides an added ambit for ascendancy in some games. The awning accuracy is automatically adapted for ambient ablaze sources, while a microSDHC agenda aperture allows users to aggrandize the congenital 16GB accumulator capacity. The assemblage additionally comes with a front-facing 1.3-megapixel Webcam and rear 3-megapixel camera. The above is meant for videoconference calls, admitting accepted programs such as Skype do not acquiesce for this affection at this time. The high-resolution rear camera sports an LED beam and is able of demography 720 x 480-pixel videos at 30 frames per second. Added functions accommodate GPS, a agenda compass, 802.11n and Bluetooth radios, forth with HSDPA connectivity.

Despite accepting a lower pixel calculation than the iPad, the 1,024 x 600-pixel capacitive affectation looks abnormally aciculate on the abate 7-inch Galaxy Tab. The examination angles are absolutely acceptable for a accepted LCD display, admitting we would accept admired to see an AMOLED awning instead. The assemblage is fast abundant to accommodate a bland multitouch experience. Our alone ache is that the fingerprint-prone cogitating affectation is a little adamantine to use outdoors, admitting bumping up the accuracy to best does advice somewhat, alike if this kills the array activity rather fast.

Performance And Array Life
Running on a 1GHZ processor with the Powervr SGX540 cartoon engine, it was a joy application the Android OS on the Galaxy Tab. There was no arrest except back surfing assertive Beam sites. Not alone did we acquisition the assemblage able of arena 1080p full-HD videos, the Tab is additionally able of alive multimedia agreeable to alien displays via alternative addons. We approved Google Earth on the Tab and was afflicted that zooming was as bland as the desktop equivalent.

Battery activity on the Samsung slate was appropriately impressive. Anecdotally, back acclimated as an e-book clairvoyant and ablaze Web surfing accessory via 3G, the Tab was able to aftermost an absolute day afore the array ran down. We angled some videos on the slate and managed aloof over 5 hours 30 account afore we had to ability for the charging cable, which is absolutely absorbing because its able hardware.

Service And Support
The Samsung Galaxy Tab comes with a one-year all-embracing warranty. On its abutment Web site, you can download user manuals, drivers and software patches. Remote troubleshooting is accessible via buzz or email. admitting in case of accouterments abortion the assemblage has to be brought to a account centermost for repair.

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Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012 0 komentar
At the end of 2011 Google alien their third Nexus buzz and added accord with Samsung. Making account this accessory has accepted to be one of the important phones of the year and yet accession adversary to apperceive the iPhone from the mantle. Has Google and Samsung hit a home run or is this their a lacklustre accouterments attack to absolve the latest adaptation of Google's adaptable buzz platform, Android?

What's in the box?
  • Device: Samsung Galaxy Nexus
  • Battery
  • Foldable Adeptness charger
  • USB cable
  • See the unboxing video below:
The 10 Added Review:
  • Device:
  • Price:
  • Summary:
  • Best of: Ice Cream Sandwich, attractive screen
  • Worst of: Big quality, you allegation LONG fingers
  • Buy it now from:
Samsung Galaxy Nexus Slim Specification:
  • 2G Network: GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
  • 3G Network: HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1700 / 1900 / 2100
  • Dimensions: 135.5 x 67.9 x 8.9 mm
  • Weight: 135 g
  • Display: Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colours, 720 x 1280 pixels, 4.65 inches (~316 ppi pixel density)
  • Oleophobic surface
  • Multi-touch ascribe method
  • Accelerometer sensor for UI auto-rotate
  • Touch-sensitive controls
  • Three-axis gyro sensor
  • 3.5mm jack
  • Internal Memory: 16/32GB storage, 1 GB RAM
  • WLAN: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n, dual-band, DLNA, Wi-Fi hotspot
  • Bluetooth: v3.0 with A2DP
  • USB: v2.0 microUSB
  • Camera: 5 MP, 2592x1936 pixels, autofocus, LED flash, Video 1080p@30fps
  • Secondary Camera: Yes, 1.3 MP
  • OS: Android OS, v4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
  • CPU: Dual-core 1.2GHz Cortex-A9 CPU, TI OMAP 4460 chipset
  • GPS with A-GPS support, barometer sensor
  • NFC support
  • Digital compass
  • Active babble abandoning with committed mic
  • Battery: Accepted battery, Li-Ion 1750 mAh
  • Sleek and thin
  • Robust OS
  • Fingerprint affidavit (sort of)
  • Lowlights:
  • Plastic
  • 16gb/32gb and no more
  • Low affection loud speaker
  • Blurry camera
  • 10 Added Review:
Product: Samsung Galaxy Nexus
  • Price: £498.00 inc. VAT 16GB or £589.99 inc. VAT 32GB
  • Summary: Android Ice Cream Sandwich admission device. Variant of the Samsung Galaxy SII with boilerplate Android.
  • Best of: Large screen, light, fast and of advance Ice Cream Sandwich
  • Worst of: Artificial build, feel printy
  • Buy from: Clove
  • Also consider: Samsung Galaxy SII, iPhone 4S, Cheese and Pickle Sandwich

The advanced of the accessory has the massive 4.6" screen. It's huge, one of the bigger screens we accept apparent on a buzz yet. There is additionally a slight ambit to the screen, not absolutely apparent aback application the accessory about it feels absolutely natural, abnormally aback talking on the phone. The Nexus S had this additionally and it's hasty that added manufacturers accept not adopted the appearance as it enhances the buzz alarm acquaintance to no end. 
Above the awning in the ear speaker. This apostle is able-bodied ill-fitted for purpose and delivers brittle and bright sounds. To the right, amidst the atramentous are three little sensors. Best phones would commonly accept two here, ablaze and proximity. However, the Galaxy Nexus has three. The third is a mystery, conceivably it is article to do with the barometer as this is the alone added sensor we accept absolute to phone. 

At the basal of the buzz you will apprehension the abridgement of accouterments buttons and alike indicators for the accepted Android bendable keys. This is due to the activity keys actuality absolutely captivated into Android's interface.

The aback of the accessory has a appropriate rip-it-open console covered in an odd, anti-slip texture. The camera and beam sit aerial aloft the Google branding with the loudspeaker beneath the Samsung brand. The area of this apostle is absolutely annoying as it is calmly covered by your fingers aback cradling the buzz in you hands. The affection of the apostle is additionally apropos as it can complete a little tinny and absolutely crackly aback the aggregate is pumped up. Aback compared to the apostle on the iPhone 4S, there is no competition.

On the larboard is a simple aggregate rocker. On the appropriate is the adeptness button and three credibility for a attainable berth or some such. On the basal in the microUSB connector, 3.5mm headphone atrium and a baby aperture for the microphone.

The phones carapace is candidly a bit of a let down. For the money I'm not abiding the buzz would aftermost a abounding 24 months as abounding of the affairs you will see this on. Alike compared to the Samsung Galaxy S II and the Nexus S it does not angle up. Samsung accept been bearing a lot of artificial accessories afresh and it's absurd for me to acclaim this accouterments aback I apperceive abounding able-bodied that this will be acclimated a lot during it's activity time and will allegation acute affliction if it is to survive circadian life.

The Samsung Galaxy Nexus is the aboriginal buzz to backpack the latest adaptation of Android. Adaptation 4, Ice Cream Sandwich is not alone an advancement to the aftermost buzz operating system, 2.3 Gingerbread, but it combines all that was abundant about Android on a buzz with adaptation 3 Honeycomb that was appear alone to tablets.

Both versions of these operating systems had their pros and cons. Putting all their eggs in one basket, Google accept absorb both, demography the best genitalia of anniversary and abacus them together. I anticipate it's safe to say that the best agitative activity about the Galaxy Nexus is Ice Cream Sandwich.

Looking at the Home screen, one can see aloof how this adaptation is afflicted by the antecedent incarnations. I was able to finer charm the Home Awning I accept acclimated for a brace of years now from Donut, Eclair, Froyo and Gingerbread accumulation widgets and shortcuts. Manufactures like HTC, Motorola and alike the architect of this buzz accept their own overlays that you allegation use. A abashment as naked Android, as you get here, is calmly the best accessible.

There are acutely some new additions to the OS that anyone application an Android buzz now is activity to notice. Not all Android buzz users accept accomplished Honeycomb on the Tablet and accordingly the brand of the Assignment Manager, pictured above, will appear as a a alpha and agitative development. It's awfully accessible to use, those accustomed with Webos will accept a good timethe agnate activity of throwing abroad an Application to annihilate it.

Screenshot_2011-12-04-15-13-26 Screenshot_2011-12-04-15-13-46

Of advance Widgets comedy a big allotment of this new adaptation of Android. Widgets accept been about for a while and accept been a axial allotment of the Android Home Screen, but never added than here. It's about as if it has been taken seriously. Widgets absorb their own allocation of the Apps drawer. They accept filigree credibility to angle assimilate aback Home Awning blueprint is actuality absitively and best chiefly can be resized.

I would brainstorm that Google are blame this affection as it is article that Apple accept not swung into activity with. My capital complaint is still the aforementioned from day one of Android, there is no bendability with the widgets. You cannot bout colours or styles, accordingly some home screens will attending a little hotch-potch as the widgets will be from altered developers and rarely alloy calm easily.

A new accession that Apple has already swung into activity with is the folder/stackable icons feature. About accomplishing abroad with the folders Google accept alien the adeptness of bottomward Apps on top of anniversary added and already the app array is tapped, Android opens what is a binder of the app icons. Keep Games in one, Google articles in another, arcade app and camera apps can all be calm together. A nice abstraction and works well, acceptance you to bead those beneath able-bodied acclimated apps into a catagory to abstain accepting to ambit through pages of apps in the drawer to acquisition what you are attractive for.

It is a abatement to see that the Contact book has been accustomed a revamps. Historically the phonebook and calender accept consistently been somewhat bending in antecedent versions. This time we accept a neatly laid out cavalcade activity that resembles the desktop adaptation and bundles your contacts calm by their heading. Things can get a little ambagious aback Google+ adds it's blow to the phonebook and you end up with added contacts you accept to annal through to get to who you were attractive for in the aboriginal place.

The Starred favourites admonish me of accession operating arrangement by a aggregation begining with M. Oh no, they are aloof big squares of some animal bodies and my Step-daughter actuality eaten by a horse.

As mentioned earlier, the App drawer is disconnected into two. There are the Apps and the Widgets. There is additionally a accessible articulation to the Marketplace to abstain the affliction of accepting to acquisition it, or go aback to a pre-defined shortcut.

It's not new, about account advertence is Google Music. The new interface is enjoyably simple. This amend has been anesthetized to earlier versions of Android additionally and this is candidly a actual able music amateur now. There are no complicated interfaces that so abounding music players accept confused towards, aloof the adeptness to bound flick amid songs and albums with basal fuss. Also, I anticipate it important to add, both Google Music and Google Listen accept had a affection added whereby if you abolish the headphones the song/podcast you are alert to will stop simultaneously. Possibly one of the best simple, yet ablaze abstruse advances of the Millennium.

The Galaxy Nexus Camera App has had a slight facelift. Everything looks a absolutely accurate and tidy and the buttons are self-explanatory. You can ambit amid the three cutting modes at the basal right, video, stills and the new panorama mode. The camera seems to be bent to affect with the acceleration of the attempt however, as the account affection is subpar, alike in ideal conditions. There is little in the way of absorption and added generally that not you will accept to booty pictures assorted times afore you get article usable. This was a massive disappointment and I would abundant rather delay the added added for the focus to cull and a brittle attempt be achieved.

As mentioned there is a Panoramic option. Apps accept been alms this affection for absolutely some time about Google accept called to accommodate it as absence and it works appealing well. You can see from the results.

The banal browser on Android Gingerbread was alpha to appearance it's age. A strong, accelerated little browser that had the odd aberration that fabricated you await on added browsers for assertive blazon of sites. On Honeycomb there was abundant added to the browser and it about mimics the Chrome browser from a desktop PC. Again the pros of both these browsers accept been strung calm to actualize a quick but affection affluent browsing experience. Tabs can be alone with affluence in the aforementioned way as apps beneath the assignment manager.

Hidden beneath the operating arrangement are a few Easter Eggs. A brace accept been apparent already and it's a absolutely nice blow from Google to do this. They are are fun bunch!

One of my pet hates about lock screens is the allegation to alleviate to appear to basal functions. Alleviate no more! Abnormally advantageous is the music functionality. You can skip tunes afterwards accepting to annoyance annihilation anywhere. Powering up the awning shows a brace of added buttons aback application assertive apps.

Instead of the acceptable padlock boring activity you can additionally accept from the aggregate and the added annoying facial recognition. Initially, the facial aspect seems a clumsily able about the change bound wears off aback in low light. The bigger botheration is walking, you accept to authority the buzz up in advanced of your face. If it fails again you accept to complete the aggregate in adjustment to admission your device. Certainly the technology is agitating about it's not actual advantageous alfresco of assuming off to your friends.

Thankfully the Gallery has been accustomed some abundant bare attention. Afore we accept a apathetic and ailing activity accumulating of thumbnails. Now we accept a affable accumulating of thumbnails, that candidly assume a little evocative of Microsoft Windows Buzz 7's interface. Its a lot added in befitting with Google+ and seems to be a lot faster and added acknowledging again any of the Gallery builds from antecedent versions.

What Google are acquisitive to become centre of your Social Networking absorption is Google+. The app is growing from backbone to backbone with anytime update. The app is affable and cocky explanatory. Accepting the affiliation abysmal into Android will accomplish for an absorbing future. Conceivably they are jumping the gun and things could go all Google Buzz / Wave on them.

The account applicant is article I alone alike accessible in a review. Its adamantine to adjudicator if annihilation has afflicted added than the colour scheme. You can accept from a agglomeration of affair that are plucked from assorted sources beyond the net. If you use an RSS aggregator or alike Twitter again you will accept little use for this.

Under the awning are an all-encompassing accumulating of options to configure the buzz to aloof how you demand it. You can now ascendancy about every aspect of Ice Cream Sandwich from notifications to attached accouterments appearance to save battery.

One of the pet hates with the majority of Android phones that accumulator seems to be about consistently an issue. So abounding absorbing applications in the Marketplace, so little amplitude the comedy with. Ice Cream Sandwich sorts this out with a abundant added automatic accumulator manager. The phone's 16GB accumulator is a distinct partition, this is aggregate by media and app data. You can ample your buzz with tonnes of apps as you are alone bound by the 16gb. Gone are the canicule of App-to-SD. However, it is alien as to how the operating arrangement will act on approaching accessories that accept a MicroSD agenda sort.

The Array has been accustomed a accustomed of absorption also. You can not accept a bit of a bigger abstraction of aloof how continued you buzz will last. Android has consistently been array athirst and acute a abounding allegation to get you through 24 hours of average use. Ice Cream Sandwich is a little better, about accustomed the huge awning actuality and able-bodied processor the array takes a bit of a beating aback you advance the phone. However, I was still able to aftermost they accomplished day on one charge.

For example, the operating system's congenital articulation will apprehend names of icons or whatever argument that your feel happens to be comatose on. This will acquiesce you to acquisition the apps you allegation afterwards defective to attending at the screen. Already you've begin what you need, you can artlessly lift your feel and accord the figure a distinct tap to barrage it. Scrolling up and bottomward lists will crave two fingers. It ability complete a little circuitous about there is an all-encompassing tutorial to advice anyone with the allegation to use these features. Google has fabricated this affection of abundant college accent this time about and will see Android actuality recommended to anyone with a affliction or a beheld crime that abounding avert them from adaptable phones.

If you are a developer, there seems to be a abundant accord added in the way of development accoutrement amid on the phone.

The calulator has been absolutely retooled and . wait. no it hasn't. It's aloof added grey.

I accept never been a fan of the Google Calendar app. It has consistently be decumbent to accompanying every arrangement again again alteration your time area the day afore article important and alteration it aback aloof after. From the alpha it looks about th

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Samsung Galaxy Note

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
As broadly expected, the Samsung Galaxy Agenda II was clearly apparent by the aggregation at the IFA appearance in Berlin today.

As with its accepted predecessor, the Samsung Galaxy Note, the Agenda II is a ample awning accessory that bridges the gap amid smartphones and tablets. This time about the screen's that little bit bigger at 5.55in, up from 5.3in on the antecedent model. It has a 1,280x720 resolution.

One of the key things about the agenda ambit is their use of a stylus, as able-bodied as authentic touchscreen use. With the Galaxy Agenda II, Samsung has bigger the stylus (called the S Pen) use. First, is Air View, which lets you hover the S Pen over an email, S Agenda (Samsung's note-taking application), S Planner (the agenda replacement), angel galleries or videos to examination their content.

As with the Agenda II's big brother, the Galaxy Agenda 10.1, multi-tasking has been bigger over the accepted Android offering. S Agenda can accessible in a pop-up window over any application, so that you can booty addendum while accepting on with addition job.

In a agnate way Popup Web lets you accessible links in a browser window after accepting to move abroad from your accepted application. Finally, Popup Video does the aforementioned affair for video, so you can accumulate watching agreeable while you get on with article else.

As you'd apprehend for a avant-garde accessory the blueprint are appealing impressive, with a 1.6GHz quad-core processor, 8-megapixel camera and the latest adaptation of Android, 4.1 Jellybean. The Galaxy Agenda II will be accessible in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB models, with added anamnesis amplification via the micro SD slot, which can booty cards up to 64GB in size.

Pricing has not been announced, but the Galaxy Agenda II will be accessible from October and we'll accompany you a abounding analysis as anon as samples are available.

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Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
HTC's One S is the average buzz in the new One agency - it's hardly abate and lighter than the HTC One X, and costs hardly less, but it's got the aforementioned camera and HTC's Sense 4 software. The above aberration is that it's based on a dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset rather than the One X's quad-core Nvidia Tegra 3 chipset. However, the 1.5GHz dual-core MSM8260A "Krait" processor is annihilation but cheap - in the SunSpider JavaScript benchmark, the One S denticulate an absorbing 1,816, alone aloof slower than the One X's 1,746.

Although it doesn't accept the wow agency of the One X's 4.7in 1,280x720 awning and lozenge-like design, the One S is still an adorable phone. Our atramentous archetypal didn't absolutely appearance off the way the awning melds calmly with the case, but the phone's oxidised aluminium case is impressively ablaze and boxy - HTC claims it's bristles times stronger than accustomed aluminium. The handset is aloof 8mm blubbery and weighs aloof 120g.

There are a few added differences beneath the surface: the awning uses a Super AMOLED console rather than the X's IPS panel, but it's aloof as ablaze and clear, and allowances from added blacks. The 960x540 (qHD) resolution is added than ample abundant for web browsing, admitting argument isn't absolutely as brittle as on its beyond brethren. Back watching movies its adamantine to atom the added resolution, but again the X's beyond awning comes into play. Both screens use scratch-proof Corning Gorilla glass, and we begin the One S's blow interface smooth, acknowledging and awful aggressive to anointed fingerprints.

The One S lacks the X's NFC dent and comes with bisected the accumulator amplitude - you get a absolute of 16GB rather than 32GB, which translates into 2.2GB of app accumulator amplitude and 9.9GB of added storage, and as there's no anamnesis agenda aperture you'll charge to be accurate how you administer your photos and music. Like the One X, the One S requires a micro SIM agenda and you can't bandy out the array back it wears out.

Gallery: HTC One S - External

The added best allotment is that because the One S is metal, I haven’t apparent any of the artificial cutting or abrading that I did with the One X. The accessory does blow collapsed with collapsed surfaces and accomplish acquaintance on the artificial regions, but because the apparent is a added acceptable bendable blow accomplishment the acquaintance scuffs tend to addict out rather than become abiding accessories like they do on the One X.

Physical Comparison
 Samsung Galaxy Nexus (LTE)Apple iPhone 4SSamsung Galaxy S 3 (USA)HTC One S
Height135.5 mm (5.33")115.2 mm (4.5")136.6 mm (5.38" )130.9 mm (5.15" )
Width67.94 mm (2.67)58.6 mm (2.31")70.6 mm (2.78")65 mm (2.56")
Depth9.47 mm (0.37")9.3 mm ( 0.37")8.6 mm (0.34")7.8 mm (0.31")
Weight150 g (5.3 oz)140 g (4.9 oz)133g (4.7 oz)119.5g (4.21 oz)
CPU1.2 GHz Dual Core Cortex-A9 OMAP 4460Apple A5 @ ~800MHz Dual Core Cortex A91.5 GHz MSM8960 Dual Core Krait1.5 GHz MSM8260A Dual Core Krait
GPUPowerVR SGX 540PowerVR SGX 543MP2Adreno 225Adreno 225
NAND32 GB NAND16GB, 32GB or 64GB integrated16/32 GB NAND with up to 64 GB microSDXC16 GB NAND
Camera5 MP with AF/LED Flash, 1080p30 video recording, 1.3 MP front facing8 MP with LED Flash + Front Facing Camera8 MP with LED Flash + 1.9 MP front facing8 MP with LED Flash + VGA front facing
Screen4.65" 1280x720 HD SAMOLED3.5" 640 x 960 LED backlit LCD4.8" 1280x720 HD SAMOLED4.3" 960x540 Super AMOLED
BatteryRemovable 6.85 WhrInternal 5.3 WhrRemovable 7.98 WhrRemovable 6.1 Whr

I can’t accent abundant how abundant I have a good timethe anatomy agency of the One S. In a apple area it seems like every smartphone OEM is in a chase to see aloof how big they can accomplish their phones afore bodies alpha either accusatory or creating a alcove bazaar for accouterment with colossal pockets, the One S is a auspicious assignment that sometimes admeasurement isn’t everything.

As an aside, it’s affectionate of cutting on me that so abundant of smartphone anatomy agency altercation is absolutely about accessory admeasurement anymore. It’s superficial, and plus, what would Freud say?

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