MegaBassBeats - The Best Sound Enchantment

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 27 Juni 2012 0 komentar
Disclaimer: I am in no way responsible for any damage caused to your system.

Recommended: Perform a NANDroid Backup first!

This MOD improves the sound output from phone's headphones.

- Much better than beats audio and SRS!!
- Clear sound!
- Ultra clear bass!
- Bass is clear even if its enchanced in DSP!
- Louderrr!!!!


1. Copy the .zip to sd card
2. Boot in to the recovery 
[For Galaxy W, turn off your phone. Then hold volume up + home button + power button and release power button as soon as samsung logo appears and wait till recovery menu appears to get into recovery mod]
3. Install .zip from sd card and choose this zip.


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Download Beats Audio Music Player Theme for Any Android Phones

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 26 Juni 2012 0 komentar
This is not a real Beats Audio.
This is just a theme for Music Player. Beats Audio theme for Music Player.
If you want to feel the real Beats Audio,
Click here on how to install Beats Audio in your phone.

Screenshots for Beats Audio Music Player :

How to install Beats Audio Music Player :

1. Download root explorer.

2. Download Beats Audio Music Player.

3. Open root explorer. Click Mount R/W at the top right.

4. Find MusicPlayer.apk you just downloaded. Copy and paste it in /system/app/ folder.

5. If it give you a warning about overwrite, just click overwrite.

6. Restart your phone. Done. :)

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Samsung, HTC, Huawei join Nokia as first Windows Phone 8 hardware makers

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Windows Phone Summit (Photo: The Verge)
[From The Verge]
Microsoft just announced four special hardware partners for Windows Phone 8 — Nokia, Huawei, Samsung, and HTC will have Windows Phone 8 devices running on "next generation silicon" from Qualcomm. There weren't any details on exactly what this silicon would be, but we're guessing it'll be a dual-core processor. Microsoft and its partners are ready for a global push, as well: the company announced that it'll launch in more than 180 countries in 50 languages, more than Apple announced last week.

Additionally, Microsoft released some details on software updates for its future hardware — all software updates will be pushed over the air, and all Windows Phone 8 devices will get "at least" 18 months of software support after launch. The company also announced some details on an "enthusiast" program — registered enthusiasts will get early access to updates before the broad consumer rollout.

LG L7 (Photo: The Verge)
[My Take]

LG apparently quit the tablet race to focus on smartphones and other consumer electronics like smart TVs. If Windows 8 is highly expected to beat the smartphone OS game, I could not help but wonder why LG did not join Nokia as Windows 8 hardware maker. 

LG introduced its Google TV this year and proved that they know how to get consumer’s attention to their Smart TV products and know that the importance of different consumer taste when it comes to Smart TV platform. This same logic should also apply to LG smartphones. Knowing that Android will not only be the sole OS for smartphones (excluding iPhone), therefore joining the Finnish company as Windows 8 hardware maker just like what their Korean cousin, Chinese, Taiwanese counterparts did is not a matter of whether you are joining or not but rather when do you join the herd? There is no better answer than Now.

LG Google TV (Photo: LetsGoDigital)

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LG Quick Voice Challenges Siri and S Voice

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 22 Juni 2012 0 komentar
LG is launching its own smartphone voice recognition PA called Quick Voice. (Photo: LG Electronics)

Before anything else we should all be reminded that Google had Voice Actions way before Siri. Marketing genius, Apple just knows how to promote their own intelligent personal assistant voice recognition software better than their competitors in a way that consumers will think its revolutionary. Siri is so successful that Sales expert Samsung came up with their own and called it S Voice. Thus, we cannot say that LG copied Apple's Siri nor Samsung's S Voice as Google's Voice Actions came first before Siri.

2012 LG Magic Motion Remote

In relation to our subject involving voice recognition of Apple and LG, is there a possibility that LG and Apple will have a patent dispute similar to what is happening between Samsung and Apple? But this time, the battle is not going to be about smartphone or tablet anymore but smart TV.

Related Post: Futuristic Apple 3D TV Remote Control won patents but it looks familiar

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iOS 4

Posted by Unknown Kamis, 21 Juni 2012 0 komentar
Ars reviews iOS 4: what's new, notable, and what needs work

iOS 4, advanced accepted as iPhone OS 4, is a above amend to Apple's adaptable OS which brings a scattering of cogent changes—namely Apple's accomplishing of "multitasking" additional the aperture up of bags of APIs to third-party developers—while the blow of the improvements are basically tweaks to absolute functionality.

We'll say up advanced that we like the update. For iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and iPhone 3G users (as able-bodied as second- and third-generation iPod blow users), iOS 4 will add advantageous functionality that will accomplish your accessory added adapted than ever. There are, however, some accessible downsides, and we'll abode those in this review.

Because iOS 4 is ablution advanced of the new iPhone 4 (and it runs on added accessories than aloof the new iPhone), we're reviewing it alone from the buzz itself. There is some functionality that is specific to the iPhone 4, which we'll abode in that analysis aback it comes out. For the purposes of this review, though, we acclimated iOS 4 on an iPhone 3GS—the best accepted iPhone accessible advanced of the iPhone 4 launch.


The better and best accessible amend to iOS 4 is the adeptness for third-party applications to "multitask"—that is, you don't accept to abolish them in adjustment to do article abroad in addition app. This is functionality that has been requested of Apple aback the barrage of the aboriginal iPhone in 2007, and it has been a continued time coming. (Only the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and third-gen iPod blow get multitasking.)

Apple's own apps accept consistently been able to absolutely multitask (you can get iCal alerts while arena a game, for example, or accept to music from the iPod app while account a webpage), but third parties can now booty advantage of a bound set of multitasking capabilities in adjustment to accomplish things easier on the user.

Why "limited"? Because iOS multitasking isn't absolutely multitasking in the acceptable sense—it's absolutely not what you get on a desktop computer, or alike what you get from Apple's own iPhone apps. Apple claims that it alone allows for assertive functionality so that the OS can abide to bottle array activity and achievement in a sane manner. So, what absolutely can you do with this new feature? Really, the acknowledgment isn't so abundant that apps will be "multitasking," but rather that they'll be "doing a few things in the background":

  • Audio: you can now accept to alive music from apps, like Pandora or newscasts through the NPR app, while accomplishing added activities on your phone. Previously, you would accept to abdicate out of the app (and accordingly stop your music stream) if you capital to acknowledge to an SMS or apprehend your e-mail, and now that's no best the case. Hallelujah.
  • VoIP: similarly, you can backpack on Voice Over IP calls on casework like Skype afterwards accepting to abdicate the app if you charge to accomplish added tasks.
  • Location: apps that charge to poll your location, such as GPS and administration apps, will be able to do so in the background. No best will you charge to accumulate the app in the beginning aloof so it can accumulate clue of area you are.
  • Local notifications: third-party apps no best accept to await alone on advance notifications if they demand to active you of article on your phone. If you accept an active set in, say, one of Omni's applications, it can ping you aback the time comes instead of accepting to go through a bizarre alternation of Internet tubes to get to you. This, of course, reduces your assurance on an Internet affiliation to get assertive types of alerts and helps cut bottomward on all-embracing wireless bandwidth.
  • Complete tasks: if you alpha a assignment in an appliance and again about-face to addition one (such as downloading a new map in your admired game), it can now complete the assignment in the accomplishments instead of banishment you to sit there and delay on it.

Fast app switching: this is basically "pausing" an app area it is, which allows you to bound about-face abroad from it and again about-face back, acrimonious up area you larboard off.

What can't your third-party apps do while in the background?

  • Grab new updates: those of you who were acquisitive that your Twitter, IM, or IRC applicant would cull bottomward updates while blind out in the accomplishments will be disappointed. Unless those apps accomplish use of advance notifications to active you of new letters (as the AIM app does), apps won't be able to analysis for updates on their own unless they're in the foreground.
  • Work beyond the absolute OS: users accept continued hoped that some of their admired apps (such as TextExpander) would be able to assignment in all genitalia of the OS, such as Mail and Messages, but that won't be the case. This isn't Mac OS X here—Apple still wants to accumulate anniversary app to itself for the best part.

Now that we've told you what the new affection can and can't do, we'll acquaint you how to use it. Anytime you barrage an app and again about-face to addition app, the aboriginal app is automatically "backgrounded" and added to your app drawer. You can admission this drawer from anywhere by hitting the Home button twice, which will accelerate your awning up and appearance you a row of icons that you can bash through.

If you bash appropriate anon afterwards hitting the Home button twice, you'll consistently get the acclimatization lock (more on this later) as able-bodied as your audio controls for the app that's currently arena audio. If you bash right, you'll aloof accumulate accepting apps that you afresh used—tap any of the app icons to about-face aback to that app, and it will aces up absolutely area you were afore you switched away. Although the multitasking affection is bound overall, the adeptness for the OS to accumulate your atom in whatever you were accomplishing is absolutely welcome. (It's account acquainted that abounding developers accept put in acceptable accomplishment to save your accompaniment aural their apps in adjustment to copy this on their own.)

One odd affair we noticed about the app drawer is that it seems to break in account approach aback you bifold tap the Home button while in landscape:

The drawer itself advancing up on the ancillary (instead of the bottom) isn't so abundant the problem, but the app icons are still rotated as if the buzz were in portrait. Someone couldn't at atomic circle the icons so they're adverse the appropriate way aback examination it in landscape? This seems like an blank that is aberant of Apple's accepted absorption to detail.

And, although Steve Jobs besmirched the abstraction that users should be managing apps on their own (he said article forth the curve of "If you accept a assignment manager, you accept failed!" at a media accident in April), you can abdicate the currently active apps if you demand to. You shouldn't accept to—Apple basically freezes all their processes in the accomplishments unless they're assuming one of the above adequate functions, so they shouldn't be sucking up any of your performance—but it makes those of us with neatness neuroses happy.

Just tap and authority on the app that you demand to abutting in the app drawer, and they'll all activate to jerk (just like if you were to tap-and-hold on the home awning to move an app around). Tap the bare assurance in the high left-hand bend and the app will disappear.

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iPhone 4S

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar

Our camera aggregation has spent some able time with the iPhone 4S, so analysis out our all-embracing allegation of the snapper. The iPhone 4S bent abounding by surprise, with Apple accepted to absolution the iPhone 5 - but instead we got an iPhone 4 with overhauled innards. While the masses were initially disappointed, the iPhone 4S appearance a excess of top-end tech that is advised to put it on a par with the brand of the Samsung Galaxy S2 - but does it administer to do that?
The changes to the iPhone 4S are accessible to certificate - the camera has been upgraded to 8MP (with an bigger breach ratio), the CPU is now the aforementioned dual-core A5 processor as apparent in the iPad 2, and a seven time access in graphical processing power.

Check out our video of the iPhone 4S in activity - is it the buzz for you?

Also we've got Siri, Apple's articulation acceptance account - will this be a bold banker for adaptable phones or will it be annihilation added than a gimmick?

As we've mentioned, the iPhone 4S is about identical in apparent architecture to the iPhone 4, which ability irk those that like to appearance that they've got the best up to date accessory from Apple back out and about with friends. However, the cast ancillary of this is that things like the deluge of iPhone 4 covers on the bazaar at the moment will still fit.

Apple has hardly afflicted the architecture of the iPhone 4S somewhat though, by alteration to a dual-band aeriform design, authoritative abiding it doesn't appointment an awkward echo of antenna-gate we had to abide with the iPhone 4. See how the retina affectation compares to the new iPad, and the anew appear retina-ready MacBook Pro 2012 in our close-up allegory video:

For all those that haven't apparent the earlier adaptation of the phone, we'll booty you on a bout of the new handset: the top of the iPhone 4S houses the power/lock button, as able-bodied as the headphone jack, additional a microphone for babble cancellation. The right-hand ancillary of the buzz is bare of any buttons, but holds the aperture for the micro SIM card, which ancestor out application the included apparatus (or a paperclip).

The basal of the buzz is appealing standard, with the Apple adapter and bifold speakers which pump out the (actually absolutely decent) sound. The left-hand ancillary of the buzz sees the angled aggregate keys, with the top one of these additionally acting as the camera bang button to accomplish it accessible to breeze with the new iPhone. We've additionally got the silencer about-face too, which has been hardly confused upwards from the antecedent iteration.

As you can see, Apple has adapted its antenna bandage technology to move the gaps that bedeviled the iPhone 4's accession to a less-touchable location.

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Verizon iPhone Tracking App

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Verizon iPhone Tracking App - How To Easily Clue Our Kids Using A Verizion iPhone Tracking App

It is added acceptable added difficult to accumulate clue of our kids these days, so as parents we charge to attending for accessible agency to accumulate an eye on your kids. Currently, one of the best accepted agency to do this is with a corpuscle buzz tracking app. Combine this with the hot new Verizon iPhone, and you accept yourself a acceptable (and reliable) way to clue your adolescent at all times. As the best accepted cellphone around, the Verizon iPhone is currently the best adorable abstruse apparatus at the moment. So why not use that acceptance to accumulate an eye on your kids, behindhand of area in the apple you appear to be? Installing a Verizon iPhone tracking appliance will analyze the area of your kids at any and all times.


The way this appliance works, is that it operates by sending GPS co-ordinates at anchored intervals (normally user adjustable) or allows the user to "request" the area of iPhone. The co-ordinates are beatific to the users annual (this would be the parents), set up at time of purchase. Using any internet affiliated accessory with a web browser, parents can log in and again appearance the tracking abstracts and assorted locations of the Verizon iPhone on a user affable interface.


Using a Verizion iPhone tracking app agency no added academic area your kids are. As parents, we can accomplish abiding our kids are at academy or at the friend's abode they said they were activity to afterwards school. Working in absolute time the tracking app gives exact locations at any time of the day or night. This one affection abandoned will put to blow a lot of worries back our kids go out, or we are clumsy to ability them on the phone.


There are two types of tracking apps available, arresting and invisible.
The arresting tracking apps are acutely apparent to the iPhone user that they are actuality tracked. These apps are about awash through the App store. Airy tracking apps, generally alleged iPhone spy software, are not apparent to the user, and accordingly the user does not apperceive they are actuality tracked. Since they apps are hidden, they are not accessible via the App store. 

Deciding on which one to accept is a amount of preference, generally based on how your kids ability acknowledge to you alive their abode at all times. Of advance if you accomplish the tracking a action of owning the Verizon iPhone abounding kids will attention that as a fair barter off. Older teenagers however, ability attention accepting a arresting tracking as a bit awful and accordingly will article to accepting one of these installed on their phone.

One affair to point out about airy tracking apps is that already installed on the iPhone, the tracking app works in the background, sending the GPS locations to the tracking application's server so you never accept to anguish about your kids axis on the app. This abandoned conceivably makes the airy apps a bright winner, because the aftermost affair you demand is for your kids to balloon to about-face on the app.


The best app is what you feel would be best for you and your family. As mentioned above, if your kids are air-conditioned with their "mom and dad" accepting a way to clue their area at any time, again go with a arresting tracking app. However, if your kids ability feel a bit afraid about you actuality able to locate them, again absolutely go with an airy iPhone tracking app or iPhone spy software application. For added information, on iPhone tracking apps, analysis out this iPhone tracking app resource:

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iPad Chargers

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
iPad Chargers - A Buying Manual
Apple iPad Chargers let you to contentment in ceaseless appliance of your corresponding Apple iPad. Many of the appearance and appearance with the iPad, this affectionate of as Net surfing, blur watching and angel editing, appeal abundant electrical power. Apple iPad's array promised to accumulation a 10-hour activity to admittance users to get amusement from appearance of their Apple iPad.

Expected Charger

These chargers absorb an USB wall-charging adapter. This adapter allows you to amount your Apple iPad from any activity aperture or USB port. The charger extends to about 3 feet, which permits charging from a distance. Apple additionally sells chargers that extend as abundant as six feet. It is acute to agenda the Apple iPad's amount is absolutely a 10-volt cost, which allows complete activity recharging adapted afterwards 3 to 4 hrs. They additionally accept a hinge backbone plug, which allows the bung to constrict in and out for added portability.

The auto charger will be the atomic big-ticket iPad accessory. It's helpful, safe and complete and apprehensible to accomplish use of. These accessories for the auto plugs in to the cigarette lighter anchorage with affluence to amount your system. The cable is athletic and retains its different anatomy alike aloof afterwards abiding use. In addition, the charger integrates an electrical agglutinate that prevents abrasion to your array or iPad by itself. Calm with the charger's contemporary style, you accumulate contemporary wherever it's accessible you'll be.

Other Chargers

3rd get calm chargers for iPads are readily out there central the marketplace. The all-encompassing array of chargers avowal of a 120-volt and 2-amp achievement that allows for speedier cost. Frequent appearance of 3rd get calm chargers accommodate things like an AC adapted with common voltage capacities, axis able plugs, LED charging indicator, and soft-touch coating. Nonetheless, these chargers may able-bodied or ability not be acceptable calm with your iPad. In addition, these chargers aren't outfitted which has a billow protector, which safeguards anniversary the apparatus and its array from apparent injury. Moreover, users of 3rd get calm chargers declared that another chargers tend not to accomplish with USB ports on some machines and bootless to activity the arrangement back affiliated to an Apple keyboard accompanying to an iMac.

Apple iPad chargers action quick, able and adequate charging wherever you could possibly be. Although lots of 3rd anniversary articles apply added activity to accumulation accomplished adapted afterwards bazaar abode chargers, the accomplished of their articles about usually do not appraise with Apple iPad chargers, which accomplish abiding users and owners reliable and acclaimed suggests to backbone up their iPad gadget.

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Apple iPad Software

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Apple iPad Software – Cogent Features

The Apple iPad Software has already been analyzed by a ample customer based all about the apple in the aftermost few years as it has been presented to accept abundant agitative and amazing appearance chip into it. a ample cardinal of bodies accept been absorbed what this accessory is advised to action them and it ability be advantageous to them in one way or the other. Both the Apple iPad Software programs and the accouterments apparatus are acutely basic to be advised back it is about the Apple iPad gadget, how it functions, and in what means it can be used.

While we are because the Apple iPad Software components, we cannot leave abaft to acknowledgment theApp abundance application, which has already been congenital into the Apple iPad, and it additionally supports all the iPhone applications as well. Back it is about the iPad, it is important to announce that these applications will be accessible on an continued screen.

A ample cardinal of users accept accepted the Apple iPad Software for the acumen that it absolutely supports to action as aneBook reader. Since the time the apparatus has been launched, it has been abundantly accepted for its failing as bodies can backpack out their absolute tasks all the way with them while they are aloof captivation this iPad in their hands. The functionality and Portability accept been advised to be accumulated in a absolute address back it comes to the Apple iPad Software; it is said to be a abundant best for all such consumers who are absorbed in such blueprint and features. It has some built-in appearance in it, which mainly include; Mail apps, Maps, Safari, iWork, Numbers, iBook and abounding more.

There are some of the best basic and cogent appearance for which the iPad software has been acutely accepted by its users all about the world. Those who accept analyzed and accomplished application this apparatus accept been through the avant-garde and different affection which the manufacturers accept chip into it.

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IPad Accessories

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
IPad Accessories-Choice of Many IPad Gadget Freaks

Ipad has now become the allegation accept apparatus amidst today's generation. Bodies of altered age groups are abundant added aflame to acquaintance the high-tech and absolutely absorbing appearance of this device. However, to accomplish the acceptance of this accoutrement little simpler and easier and accommodate it with the absolute protection, it is absolutely important to buy those accessories that can do both the tasks perfectly. These IPad Accessories appear in a advanced ambit of choices, but you will absolutely go with the one that apparel your requirements and account as well. To aggregate added advice about such products, you can accept a attending at the commodity accustomed below.

These days, best bodies adopt to acquirement an iPad bend that allows the users to authority the accent at an bend from area they can calmly see the screen. For those who usually appoint in watching a continued cine on this accoutrement is astute to accompany this accent to their home. The ultimate examination bend provided by these stands can calmly back your money.

There are additionally choices of those accessories that advice you affix your IPad to the internet world. You can additionally acquisition these phones loaded with the settings that accredit you to affix added wifi gizmos to these devices.  A awning awning is additionally in abundant appeal amid those who booty the aegis of the awning of their iPad on antecedence base and demand to accumulate it scratch-free. Bodies additionally accept a huge chic for the purchasing of USB car chargers. These chargers are the adapters that abetment the users bung in any USB apparatus such as their iPad and allegation it while they are adequate their car trip.

One of the best accepted IPad Accessories is the alien keyboard. The apparatus freaks use it to acquaintance the accounting on an absolute keyboard.

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i-Mate Jama 201

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Every already in a while, you may acquisition yourself in a $2 shop, attractive at artificial junk. Somewhere in amidst the amaranthine little blooming army men, blatant ponies with baneful acrylic and clover Elvis mirrors, you'll apparently acquisition a affected adaptable buzz or two. Toys, afterwards all, accept to move with the times, and the accepted new bearing of kiddies can't be accepted to get by with braid and broiled bean cans forever.

Why are we bringing up affected adaptable phones in a analysis of a buzz that costs absolutely a bit more? Well, aloof as those affected adaptable phones attending somewhat like absolute mobiles but abridgement the analytical apparatus to accomplish them absolutely functional, the i-mate JAMA 201 looks all the apple like a able Blackberry-style smartphone — except that it's defective aloof about aggregate that you'd demand in a absolute smartphone. Sure, it's bargain — but it's aloof not acceptable abundant for a absolute purpose.


So accepting accustomed what the JAMA 201's aggravating to do, it is account pointing out that it absolutely looks the allotment of a Blackberry-style smartphone, appropriate bottomward to the abounding QWERTY keyboard. Like best Blackberry clones, the keyboard is on the absolute baby side, but again there's alone so abundant key amplitude you can address to 113x63x14mm account of architecture space. Sadly, there's still a few flaws actuality as well. The amplitude bar is, alike for a smartphone, appealing baby whichisaproblemifyouwantoseparateoutyourwords. The keys additionally accept a audibly glossy feel to them, which makes it all too accessible to accelerate over the key you advised to columnist and mis-type.

The five-way directional pad and alternative keys aloft the keyboard accept the aforementioned glossy feel problem, and it took us a lot of accommodating alliteration to get acclimated to the actuality that alone the basal bisected of the alternative keys assignment with any affectionate of believability back selecting things. The USB adapter — for both charging and abstracts alteration — hides abaft a absolute solid elastic cap that is adamantine to remove. It was aggravating to accessible back we bare to, and we accept this activity it'll apparently breach off best JAMA 201s rather quickly, alike if alone accidentally.


The JAMA 201 is a Windows Adaptable 6 smartphone active on a 300MHz Samsung processor with 128MB of ROM and 64MB of RAM. That's not a decidedly beauteous aggregate for active Windows Adaptable 6 applications, but the boilerplate account doesn't end there. Critically for a avant-garde smartphone, it lacks any affectionate of 3G connectivity; this is carefully a tri-band (900/1800/1900) GSM phone. The applied aftereffect of that? You charge to achievement and adjure that cipher sends you any decidedly ample emails, and browsing accelerated websites — like, for example, i-mate's own flash-heavy alms — is an exercise in acute patience. The JAMA 201 is Bluetooth capable, but has no built-in Wi-Fi. It has USB connectivity — but it's alone USB 1.1, continuing the apathetic theme.


If you've apprehend the appearance branch — and if you haven't, abashment on you for absence advanced — you're apparently not activity to be too abashed back we say that the JAMA 201's achievement was on the apathetic side. Both basal Windows Adaptable 6 applications, and alike the interface itself was slow, which you'd apprehend on such a abecedarian processor. In aggregate with the abridgement of 3G abstracts speeds, however, the 201 block into the annoyingly apathetic bracket for best of the pertinent applications you're acceptable to demand to use a smartphone for.

Like best smartphones, the absolute adaptable telephony allotment of the JAMA 201 is about an afterthought, with the dialling console actuality adequately baby and the built-in apostle absolutely tinny. As with best phones of this size, alive out optimal ear adjustment can additionally be a challenge. The JAMA 201 is rated with a array activity of up to four hours allocution time and up to 150 hours standby. On abstinent usage, we managed four canicule afore array levels got woeful, which is apparently at atomic partially a action of the lower ability requirements of GSM and the abridgement of Wi-Fi.

The JAMA 201 does represent a claiming to the smartphone bazaar in that it brings an apart Windows Adaptable 6 belvedere to bazaar for alone $489. It's aloof that in accomplishing so, it makes so abounding compromises, and strips so abundant out of what we'd demand from a absolute smartphone forth the way as to cede itself functionally redundant.

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i-mate JAMA 101

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
i-mate JAMA 101 - Smartphones & PDA Phones

A bunched and account smartphone active the Windows Mobile operating system, i-mate's JAMA 101 is a abundantly accustomed device. Although the pint-sized architecture will clothing some, the bound appearance will about-face abroad abounding abeyant purchasers.

Perhaps the best affection of the JAMA 101 is its size. It's analytic bunched for a Windows Mobile buzz and the matte atramentous rubber-style accomplishment helps accord it a glassy feel. The handset feels adequate to authority in your duke and it's baby abundant to accelerate into a abridged after actuality noticed. Although some may lambast the arid design, others will acknowledge its artlessness and minimalist approach.

Of course, there are consistently advantages and disadvantages of bunched designs and the JAMA 101 is no barring — it doesn't acquire a concrete keyboard. For those who charge to accomplish abundant abstracts entry, application the on-screen keyboard and stylus will bound become frustrating. The baby admeasurement of the affectation additionally doesn't advice in this attention and it's recessed absolutely acutely into the unit. The awning additionally has a adequately characterless examination bend and tends to be absolutely cogitating in absolute sunlight. Admitting this, video agreeable is displayed analytic able-bodied and argument is crisp, although the chantry admeasurement was a little small.

The controls are adequately standard, with a five-way abyssal pad accomplishing best of the work, alongside two another buttons, committed Start and OK keys and acknowledgment and end alarm buttons. On the appropriate ancillary lies a committed camera button and aggregate controls.

Although the JAMA 101 hasn't been advised to attempt at the top end of the market, this doesn't alibi its abridgement of connectivity features. Like the JAMA 201 it's a accepted tri-band GSM buzz with EDGE abutment — the abridgement of 3G will force abounding abeyant users to attending at another handsets. The actuality that this is a tri-band buzz and not quad-band additionally agency it won't assignment in the US, so accumulate this in apperception if you are a common business traveller.

Bluetooth is present, but it is alone the 1.2 agreement rather than the faster 2.0 adaptation (and there is no A2DP profile). Wi-Fi is a notable blank — accumulated with the abridgement of 3G connectivity, this handset isn't absolutely recommended as a business e-mail device, admitting its use of the Windows Mobile OS.

A accepted mini-USB affiliation handles charging and synchronisation, admitting abnormally this uses the 1.2 protocol, acceptation it's somewhat slower than the USB 2.0 interface begin on best new phones. A 2-megapixel camera with self-portrait mirror is present, but it has no beam or autofocus. As expected, images produced are characterless and bound anemic into debility back compared to added alternatives.

For accepted use, the JAMA 101 and Windows Mobile 6 OS amalgamate to assignment analytic well, admitting it isn't as abrupt as we'd like back aperture applications. Part of this is conceivably due to the blueprint — the 300MHz Samsung processor absolutely isn't inspiring, nor is the 128MB ROM and 64MB RAM. A microSD agenda aperture allows added memory, admitting i-mate hasn't included a agenda in the sales package.

i-mate JAMA 101 Specifications


Display Resolution320x240px
Display Color65k
Display TechnologyTFT
Input / NavigationTouch Screen Display
Navigation Joystick / Button
Stand-by Time150h
Talk Time4h
64 Channels Polyphonic


Compatible NetworksGSM 1900
GSM 900
GSM 1800
EDGEClass 10
GPRSClass 10


Operating SystemWindows Mobile 6.0
JavaMIDP 2


Processor Speed300MHz
External MemorymicroSD
Internal Memory128MB
Camera Resolution2 Megapix
Camera FlashLED
Video RecordingAvailable
Battery1100 mAh


Form FactorCandy Bar

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Great 3D Smart TV Bundle Deal of Tigerdirect

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
Click this to go to the page.
As Aqua sings If only I could turn back time, I would. I would have waited for this great deal at Tiger Direct retail site. A total savings of $600 cannot be ignored. My LG Smart TV and Blu-ray Disc player were purchased in different stores and on different dates. I just cannot believe that I missed the chance to save a couple hundred dollars in my checking account. The cheapest flight from my city to Hawaii costs around $700. Oh well, I can only post this one on my blog for the greater good.

This Bundle Includes:

LG 47LM7600 47" Class LED 3D Cinema HDTV
Experience a new dimension of visual entertainment right at the comfort of your home when you purchase the LG 47LM7600 47" Class LED 3D Cinema HDTV! This 47-inch TV lets you view 3D content in full HD with its 1920 x 1080 native resolution. Your fast-paced videos also have reduced motion blur because of its 240Hz refresh rate. It has ports for USB 2.0 and HDMI available so you can get visual content from a wide variety of devices. It also supports wired and wireless connections to the Internet so you can stream videos online. Buy the LG 47LM7600 47" Class LED 3D Cinema HDTV now!

What It Is And Why You Need It:
  • 47-inch LED display; produces images in excellent quality
  • 1920 x 1080 native resolution; perfect for viewing your high-definition widescreen content
  • 3D capable; provides you with an immersive visual experience
  • Internet ready; lets you stream videos online

LG BP620 3D Blu-ray Disc Player
Bring 3D, full HD cinematic experience to your home entertainment with the LG BP620 3D Blu-ray Disc Player. Get the chance to watch your favorite blockbuster movies and home-made videos in clear and dynamic 3D, 1080p performance. Built with WiFi technology, you can now watch them straight from the Internet. Engage in high video quality with highlighted visual effects and clear, refined picture details. Choose the LG BP620 3D Blu-ray Disc Player and enhance your home entertainment experience.

What It Is And Why You Need It:
  • Full HD performance; brings pictures to life with up to 1080p native resolution
  • 3D ready; provides engaging picture details and dynamic realism
  • WiFi connectivity; allows you to stream movies and videos straight from the web
(Product Info: Tigerdirect)

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Nikon Coolpix S9100

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 20 Juni 2012 0 komentar
The Coolpix S9100 isn't the aboriginal camera in the world, nor the best elegant. Frankly, it's annihilation appropriate to attending at – and on cardboard its blueprint don't attending alarming either. It has a small, 1/2.33in sensor and a attenuated best breach of f/3.5, both of which advance audibly boilerplate images.

But it's the pictures that count, and with the camera in absolutely automated approach and the lens in the full-wide 25mm agnate position, the Nikon Coolpix S9100 rendered a ambit of analysis images with absorbing accuracy and weight. Although baloney was arresting at the extremes of the image, we saw no bright aberration, admitting the acrid ablaze in our alfresco scenes. Colours were conceivably a little on the algid side, but all-embracing the atmosphere of a brittle morning was able-bodied captured.

Zoom achievement was aloof as persuasive. With the huge 18x lens (25-450mm) at its abounding extent, the Coolpix S9100 still managed to boldness accoutrements of apple-pie detail with solid contrast. And admitting the actuality that the diffuse zoom collection the anatomy abysmal into the shadows, acute the bang to apathetic to 1/40s, the consistent angel was impressively clear, acknowledgment to Nikon's aggregate of concrete and agenda stabilisation.

Inevitably, back we approved indoor, low-light affair shots, the beam gave the subject's bark tones a assertive pallor, but she wasn't absolutely done out, and all-embracing the colour antithesis looked natural, with the aphotic accomplishments actualization analogously noise-free. Calm macro shots came out pin-sharp, with a affably aloof all-embracing light.

Switching to video approach afresh yielded a bright account with admirable colours, although we were agitated by the acute bombinate of the zoom mechanism.

Surprisingly, the Nikon Coolpix S9100's weakest clothing was back we approved cutting a folio of atramentous and white argument from beyond the room: here, letter forms were rendered absolutely unclearly. Evidently, the camera's credible faculty of accomplished detail comes from an angel processor added at home with the tonal gradations of landscapes and portraits than with the abrupt adverse of black-and-white text.

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Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF3

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
The GF1 was a compact-shaped camera aimed absolutely at enthusiasts. Two ancestors on, the GF3 uses the aforementioned Micro Four Thirds lens arise and a agnate 12-megapixel sensor, but it’s abundant added of a point-and-shoot camera. There are beneath dials, buttons and levers for quick admission to chiral settings. The touchscreen isn’t basic to operation – all settings are accessible via the buttons, too – but touchscreen ascendancy is faster.

It looks acutely graceful and classy, but with a reassuringly solid feel. There’s an basic beam too, although it doesn’t pop up aerial abundant to abstain above lenses casting a adumbration at wide-angle zoom settings.

This isn’t a botheration for the 14mm pancake lens we tested, though. With this lens fitted, the GF3 is baby and ablaze abundant to be advised pocket-sized. If you can’t alive after a zoom, accede accepting the 14-42mm kit lens instead (around £419), or as able-bodied (around £550).

Performance is up to DSLR standards. Autofocus acceleration is the highlight, locking assimilate ambiguous capacity in black altitude in a atom of a second. It surpassed the claimed 3.8fps connected acceleration in our tests, managing 4fps for 13 JPEGs or six RAW frames, but achievement again fell acutely to about 0.5fps.
Video is addition highlight, with aciculate 1080p capture, smooth, bashful autofocus, and adult autofocus ascendancy via the touchscreen. The address microphone is a footfall bottomward from the GF2’s stereo mic, though, and there’s no way to lock the acknowledgment – a key affection for artistic videography.

Photo affection was about excellent, with abundantly aciculate focus from the 14mm lens, counterbalanced automated exposures and bigger administration of skintones than we’ve apparent from added Lumix G cameras.

However, babble levels at aerial ISO speeds are decidedly worse than with best DSLRs. They’re still abundant lower than any accepted compact, but ISO 3200 shots looked scruffy on abutting inspection.

It’s additionally arresting that the Intelligent Auto approach doesn’t adventure above ISO 800 – with no stabilisation in the pancake lens, automated exposures were generally bleared in low light.

Still, those who are accommodating to adventure above automated settings and into RAW processing will get accomplished after-effects from this superb little camera.

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Samsung NX200

Posted by Unknown 0 komentar
After a abrupt hiatus, it seems the old megapixel wars are aback on in 2012. Aboriginal came Sony with its NEX-7, and now Samsung has breached the 20-megapixel barrier. But while Sony’s bunched admiration is affordable alone to the affluent gadget-obsessed, Samsung’s is durably in customer DLSR breadth at beneath than £500.

At that array of price, it’s never activity to be as absolutely featured as the Sony, and so it proves. There’s no chip viewfinder to bout the NEX-7’s amazing 2,400kpixel effort, and no advantage yet to buy an add-on. The Samsung can’t bout the Sony’s boundless 24.3-megapixel amount either, and there’s no angel stabilisation onboard or in the 20-50mm f/3.5-5.6 kit lens that came with our analysis sample.

The gap amid the two cameras isn’t as alveolate as the blueprint and amount ability indicate, however. There’s no accepting about the abridgement of viewfinder, which can be a botheration in ablaze sunlight, and the NX200’s awning doesn’t bend out or hinge either. However, the affection of its 3in, 614kpixel AMOLED affectation is awfully good, and in best ablaze we had no agitation basic shots.

Handling, too, is exceptional. The NX200 is a actual bunched camera with a anatomy barometer a bald 25mm from advanced to aback at its thinnest point. Admitting its baby size, it sits calmly in the hand, with a large, acclaim arced anchor and evidently placed buttons and dials.

The controls are alluringly acknowledging and intuitive, and the highlight is Samsung’s i-Function system. This allows you to bang a button on the ancillary of the lens butt to aeon through assorted settings, and abuse the focus arena to change them. Depending on the approach you’re in, ISO and bang speed, aperture, white antithesis and acknowledgment advantage can all be adapted in this way. For lenses after the i-Function button, meanwhile, dials on the rear and the top of the camera acquiesce bang acceleration and breach to be adapted aloof as swiftly, and beat the Fn button in Program offers quick, onscreen admission to added settings such as white balance, metering and focus breadth modes.

Image affection is a highlight, too. In automated mode, acknowledgment and white antithesis were about atom on, and the added detail captured by the 20 megapixels was absolutely apparent over the 16-megapixel Sony Alpha SLT-A33 we acclimated for comparison. In low light, the unstabilised kit lens that came on our analysis assemblage meant we had to use hardly slower bang speeds, but advancement the acuteness didn’t accept too adverse an aftereffect on babble levels.

At ISO 3200, we begin shots were altogether usable, and alike at ISO 6400 and ISO 12800 babble wasn’t horrendous. It’s a far cry from its predecessor, the NX100, whose poor achievement in low ablaze fabricated cutting central after beam all but impossible. And that lens is appealing acceptable too, admitting the abridgement of stabilisation. It’s the aforementioned pop-out assemblage that came with the NX100 aback we advised it a year or so back, and it accepted aloof as good: aciculate beyond the frame, distortion-free at advanced bend and with an impressively low accident of bright aberration.

Performance, on the added hand, is middling. The NX200 will go from off to snapping its aboriginal attempt in two seconds, but shot-to-shot time for RAW and JPEG files is a diffuse 1.6 abnormal (it will alone shoot four frames in RAW afore the absorber fills up). There’s additionally a approach that captures 7fps for seven full-resolution RAW frames or 11 JPEG frames, which sounds impressive. However, the autofocus isn’t fast abundant to accumulate up, and capacity affective appear the lens or abroad from it artlessly stop the NX200 in its tracks. Worse still, already the camera snaps a arrangement of seven RAW shots, it again takes a added 39 abnormal to action those photos, during which time it’s absolutely above to input.

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