Is sincerity truly dead?

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 29 April 2008 0 komentar

Much has been said about the search for truth.

When I speak of truth, I’m not necessarily referring to some profound truth like the meaning of life, or some controversial truth in relation to politics or world events, like the truth behind the ZTE scandal (which we still don’t know) or the truth of whether there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or not (apparently there weren’t any). I’m talking about truth in general. Or as they used to say in the old tongue, veritas.

Is it just me or are there more...hmm...wait. ”Liar” is such an ugly word...I’ve always disliked the word “liar”, and its connotation of malicious dishonesty and deceit. Let’s instead use the term “insincere people”. Going back, is it me or are there more “insincere people” today than there ever was? The problem is, nowadays, people whether they realize it or not, hardly mean what they say anymore, and we see it everywhere, from the headlines on this morning’s newspaper, to friends, colleagues, superiors, peers, subordinates, contemporaries, lovers, ex-lovers, politicians and so on and so forth. Everyone seems to be lying to everyone else, as if it was ingrained into the very fabric of our society.

Why do people lie? Mostly to gain some sort of advantage. Knowing the truth is an advantage in itself in facing life’s myriad situations, and this advantage is apparently not something most of us are will to share, or give up.

The irony is, while there may be a surfeit of liars today, there’s a scarcity of really good ones. It’s one thing if a person lies to your face, but if that person lies to your face and you know or learn later on that that person is lying, it’s a bit pathetic. If a person is going to lie, that person should at least know how to lie without being caught. And if you’re a keen observer of human behavior, it really isn’t that difficult to tell when a person is lying or not.

Returning to the topic at hand, is honesty passé? Is telling the truth still considered virtuous when hardly anyone does it anymore?

Let’s take Jun Lozada as an example. Allegedly a victim of abduction by the police, and whistleblower for the alleged massive kickbacks in the stillborn National Broadband Network project, he has lost his former way of life, that is, his job, his friends in the bureaucracy, his privacy, his safety, his peace of mind. And for what? The ZTE-NBN issue has already been supplanted in people’s consciousness by other issues, led by the rising costs of fuel, power and food. Those he has named as participants and beneficiaries in the so-called conspiracy to defraud taxpayers of millions of pesos still roam free and sleep soundly at night, while he lays trapped, so to speak, within the confines of LaSalle Greenhills or some other safe house, his life before he testified before the Senate nothing more than a distant memory.

And what about the rice shortage? Anyone who’s anyone in government used to claim not so long ago that we don’t have a rice shortage, and yet, the price per kilo of rice is going through the roof, NFA rice is being rationed, and people are lining up everywhere just to buy the cheaper, government subsidized rice. The government has still maintained that there’s no such thing as a local rice crisis, a laughable declaration considering that this phenomenon is global, due to overpopulation and reduced yields.

Some people still insist that global warming is a myth, and yet, local temperatures are breaking previous highs. While the Earth may has a history of warming up and cooling down on its own, unchecked release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere have, for all intents and purposes, upset the delicate balance that our planet has enjoyed for thousands of years and accelerated climate change with results that can actually feel.

What is it with people today?

Has truth become some trivial and inconsequential that no one bothers seeking it anymore, much less speaking it? Are we as a people, as a race, so incapable of stating flatly what is instead of wrapping up truth in a web of deceit, lies, and confusion?

Are we by nature more deceitful than we are sincere?

Call me pessimistic and cynical, but somehow, it seems that way.

Quite a shame really, and worryingly so, if you really think about it.

Once we’ve crossed the line to the point of being comfortable with and even believing our own gross falsehoods, our own undoing becomes inevitable. Lies stack up on each other, creating even more lies, breeding suspicion and mistrust, and eventually manifests itself in the future as some destructive force which will remain a mystery to us until it is too late.

Man, by nature, is a social animal. One need not be a sociologist to imagine what long-term damage a surplus of lies and fabrications can do to man’s complex social structures.

History has shown us that civilizations and societies have fallen from ills, one way or another, emanating from man’s deceit. It has happened before. It will probably happen again.

It won’t happen overnight though. It may not even within our lifetimes, or our children’s children’s lifetimes. But trust me on this. We’re on our way unless we see the error of our ways.

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Globe offers time-based internet browsing....

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 23 April 2008 0 komentar

PhotobucketGlobe now offers its subscribers, both prepaid and postpaid, the option of choosing either per kilobyte charging (P0.15/KB) or time-based charging (P5/15 minutes) for its mobile internet services.

This is good news to Globe subscribers looking for an affordable way to surf the net via their mobile phones.

I'm a Globe subscriber, but I have a prepaid Smart mobile phone solely for the purpose of mobile web browsing. Smart offers mobile browsing via GPRS/3G at a rate of P10 per 30 minutes. Globe used to offer only per kilobyte charging at P0.15 per kilobyte, and if you're browsing one of those websites with lots of text, graphics or multimedia, billing charges can really add up.

While time-based charging is long overdue for Globe, after reading the fine print, I think I'll be sticking with Smart for my mobile browsing needs. While Globe presumably offers faster connections at up to HSDPA or 3.5G speeds (Smart only supports up to 3G speeds), and seemingly similar pricing schemes at P5 per 15 minutes, Globe doesn't charge per 15 minute block, unlike Smart which charges per 30 minute block. What this means is that if you log on the internet using your Globe mobile and you're disconnected even before your 15 minutes are up, reconnecting will cost you another P5. Smart charges in 30 minute blocks, so if you log in via Smart and get disconnected, reconnecting will not cost you as long as you reconnect within 30 minutes of your initial connection. If you reconnect more than 30 minutes after your initial connection, you're charged P10 for a fresh 30 minute block.

Compare for yourself:

From Globe's website:

*Time Browsing Rate is open to Globe Prepaid, Postpaid Consumer Accounts, SME and Corporate accounts. Not applicable to subscribers on Data Plans (i.e. Visibility). Time Browsing rate effective upon receipt of text confirmation. Succeeding connections will be charged P5 for 15 minutes. If disconnected within the 15 minutes, reconnection will be considered a new session charged at P5. No refund will be made if disconnected before the 15mins are up. Applicable to browsing within the Philippines only.

From Smart's website:

You will be charged P10 for every 30 minutes. To illustrate the 30-minute block metering, example:

Scenario 1:

Anna connects to the internet at 8:30, then disconnects at 8:50 (total of 20 minutes) -> consumption is already rounded off to 30 minutes (note: this is the first 30-minute block)

Scenario 2:

Anna connects to the internet at 8:30, then disconnects at 8:50 (total of 20 minutes), then reconnects again at 8:55 up to 9:00. (total of 5 minutes). Consumption is only counted as one block of 30-minute since this is within the first 30-minute block.

Scenario 3:

Anna connects to the internet at 8:30, then disconnects at 8:50 (total of 20 minutes), then reconnects again at 8:55 up to 9:05 (total of 10 minutes) -> consumption is already counted as two (2) blocks of 30-minutes, wherein:

usage from 8:30 to 8:50, then 8:55 to 9:00 is for the first 30-minute block (note: that this is the first 30-minute block)
usage from 9:01 to 9:05 is for the second 30-minute block.

All in all, Globe's offering may not be perfect, but is still a welcome change from their archaic per kilobyte system. Whether it's right for you, or whether or not it's a better deal than what Smart is offering, you decide.

It's a good thing market competition is still alive and kicking.

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Signs of the times....

Posted by Unknown Selasa, 01 April 2008 0 komentar

Iba't ibang makahulugang SIGNS:












Forwarded via SMS.

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